How long does shipping take? 

Our products are shipped within 3-5 days of the purchase date. Please Note: USPS, Fedex, and UPS experience high volumes of deliveries in the winter months. 


Do you offer local pick up?

Our products are online as well as inside of the barbershop. 2272 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48912 (Suite 201).


How do I get my refund?

Please send your request(s) to Gentlemangroomingcompany@gmail.com. In you subject line please use "Product refund"We are more than happy to provide a replacement for any products damaged during shipping or issues due to staff error. We seek to provide each and every customer with the utmost respect and satisfaction.


How often do I use the beard products?

Beard oil and beard butter are to be used daily. Beard wash and conditioner are to be used twice a week. This prevents over-washing  that can cause your beard to be stripped of its natural oils and cause dryness and irritation.


Will these products cause irritation on sensitive skin?

Yes. Most of the products we offer contains tree nut oils(Argan Oil, shea butter).